| 1. | This will encourage natural succession on shrublands and other unaffected habitats 这将会有助灌木丛和其他不受侵优的生境进行自然演替。 |
| 2. | Afforestation the establishment of forest on land not previously forested , either by natural succession or by planting 裸地造林(荒山造林) :以自然生成或者种植的方式在以前没有森林的陆地上建造森林的过程。 |
| 3. | After about ten years , due to natural succession and anthropogenic disturbance , the spatial pattern of the landscape in this area has changed greatly 然而十几年之后,在人为干扰和自然演替的作用下,这种异质的镶嵌体格局已经发生了明显的变化。 |
| 4. | This will accelerate natural succession and will ultimately lead to greater numbers of trees and more complex habitats , this benefiting and supporting wildlife species and population numbers 这将可加速植被的自然演替,而最终可以有更多树木生长和更复杂的生境形成。另外,亦预期这些生境可支持更多的野生生物品种及数量。 |
| 5. | The forested areas expanded by forming largebiomes through both artificial and natural means , with a gradual and natural succession towards rich biodiversity ; this in turn led to a greater diversity of wildlife 大型生物群落以人工或天然方式形成,让林地得以扩大,由此出现渐进的自然演替,终达至丰富的生物多样性,这转而又能使野生生物更加多元化。 |
| 6. | Topography is one of the most important factors for the characteristics and the change of the spatial pattern of the forest landscape . topography decides the spatial distribution of the environmental sources and also affects natural succession and humans activity 地形变化形成了较为稳定的环境资源空间配置格局,并同时影响到自然与人为干扰的状况及其空间分布,是研究区景观格局变化的基础和动力。 |
| 7. | We can realize some plant species are applicable in some regions when knowing the divergency betwwen these areas . it is amphasized that planting recovering obey the laws of nature . when choosing planting species , it is considerable that follows the process of natural succession and chooses the endemic species 在非本研究区域欲进行植栽复育或景观绿化等工作时,也应尽可能符合生态原则,或者在挑选非本地树种时,应考虑其生育海拔及其它因子等与当地环境是否相当。 |
| 8. | Based on the investigation on the structure and niches of secondary forests in jiulongkeng , guangze , fujian province , the distribution law was studied and natural succession tendency was worked out for primary arbors and shrubs in different slope direction , which provides scientific fundamental for artificial stimulating natural regeneration 摘要通过对福建光泽九龙坑不同坡向天然次生林的林分组成和生境的调查,研究主要乔灌木树种在不同坡向林分中的分布规律,分析出不同坡向林分的天然演替趋势,为人工促进天然更新提供科学依据。 |